Notes on Feminism and the Culture Wars
Notes on Feminism and the Culture Wars
Note 2: Whittier's Analytic Framework for Political "Frenemies"
Bess summarizes Nancy Whittier's analytic framework for understanding the difference between coalition (ideological congruence) and collaborative adversarial relationships, using anti-pornography feminists and Catharine MacKinnon's novel civil legislation as an example. Spoiler: MacKinnon and anti-pornography feminists were not in coalition with anti-pornography conservatives and remained in active opposition to anti-pornography conservatives' legal goals & morality-based understandings of the harms of pornography. Feminists were known to say: Sex is not obscene!
Rethinking Coalitions: Anti-Pornography Feminists, Conservatives, and Relationships between Collaborative Adversarial Movements by Nancy Whittier. See also Whittier's longer work (yes, a book) Frenemies: Feminists, Conservatives, and Sexual Violence (2018).
REFERENCES (see also previous show notes)
- Natasha Chart and Penny Nance co-author a letter published by conservative newspaper, The Federalist.
- WoLF's submission to the U.N. Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation And Gender Identity, w/advice from United Families International.
- Kara Dansky, formerly of WoLF and current leader of WDI USA, has been working w/conservatives since at least 2016.
- On the ground, Kara Dansky and conservative Natassia Grover in Loudon County at school committee hearings.
- Texas undertakes child abuse investigations of parents of transgender children.
- Texas attorney general investigating pharmaceutical companies who offer puberty blockers.
- Women's Sports Policy Working Group and Nancy Hogshead-Makar (no, my apologies, I did not pronounce her last name correctly).
- WoLF's testimony against the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act.
- Natasha Chart testifying on behalf of WoLF in favor of South Dakota legislation to prohibit pediatric transition (paywall).
- Review of "educational gag orders" filed in 2021.
- Finally, Christopher Rufo is definitely not a feminist, nor a friend.
recorded 5/31/2022