Notes on Feminism and the Culture Wars

Interview 1, part 1: Katherine Acosta and Shoshana Handel on grassroots feminist organizing in the US

Bess Season 1 Episode 1

Katherine M Acosta blogs at Cassandra Speaks/She's Right You Know

Women's Liberation Front ("WoLF") staff and board; wikipedia entry.

Feminists in Struggle ("FiST") website about us page,  with first blog entries posted in March 2019, including support for the Declaration on Women's Sex-Based Rights.

Women's Declaration International (WDI), formerly the Women's Humans Rights Campaign USA, website, board of directors, and international site.

Feminist identified organizations working together, examples

  • Ann Menasche, founder of FiST, and Kara Dansky, former board member of WoLF (current board member of WDI USA), interviewed in April 2019 on Women's Liberation Radio Network.
  • WoLF and WHRC share political messaging in June 2021, directed at the Loudoun County school board.
  • FiST event about academic freedom in late January 2022, WoLF board member, Dr. Devin Jane Buckley, was a featured speaker.

WHRC USA's work with conservatives

WoLF's work with conservatives, examples

  • Harris Funeral Homes amicus brief, in support of ADF's client. 
  • WoLF v. US lawsuit filed in 2016; accepted $15,000 from Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) to cover legal costs associated with litigation. 
  • Meriwether amicus brief about preferred pronouns, in support of ADF's client. 
  • Gavin Grimm amicus brief with the Family Policy Alliance. 
  • Parent Resource Guide on Transgender Issues by WoLF, the Heritage Foundation, and the Family Policy Alliance, supported by the American College of Pediatricians

PART TWO of conversation and notes, w/more links!