Notes on Feminism and the Culture Wars
Notes and interviews about feminism, sex, gender, history, power, and radical Christian conservatism in politics. Hosted by Elizabeth Hungerford.
Notes on Feminism and the Culture Wars
Clip 1: "I do not have the same ideology around porn/prostitution as the right wing!" (Interview 1, part 1)
Bess comments that she knew she disagreed with Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF)’s approach to gender identity in 2016, but didn't consider it a "red flag" for conservatism until later.
Shani describes her introduction to WoLF's political priorities (including formalizing a relationship with a far right fundraiser) and explains, by reference to Marx and Engels, why the assertion that conservatives are opposed to porn/prostitution is ridiculous and shocking. Radical feminists and conservatives are not aligned!